Photo by Suzzycue
Fresh herbs can pop your taste buds, so you enjoy your food to it’s fullest, better than adding salt to it. The photo above is fresh Basil,Thyme,a Garlic Spear,and Rosemary. If you have to use dried herbs then rub them together in the palm of your hands to bring out their true aromas before using them. Using herbs is also a better way to flavor your food than salt if you have high blood pressure and need to stay away from salt.
Salt is best used to enhance flavors of food than to sprinkle on for a salt flavor. For example a tablespoon of salt can blend the flavors together in soups and stews. Salt can be used to bring out the flavor of fruits such as grapefruits and apple slices. Just a sprinkle on the top will make it taste awesome. Give this a try.
Herbs such as Basil pairs well in tomato salads. Rosemary is great on fish and meats.Thyme brings out the flavor of soups and stews.
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