Photos by Suzzycue.
I bet you're not even thinking about putting plastic on your Windows this year because it's been so warm. My plastic is still on some of my windows now and found it also keeps the heat out.
Another tip to stay cool for those people who don't have an air conditioner, is to put a bucket of ice, in from of your fan and the cooler air will blow on you. You can salt the ice after you have it in your bucket and the ice will last longer. You can put salt on your ice in your food coolers also to keep it from melting so fast :)
I put my plastic on my windows after Thanksgiving every year.
Have you ever noticed that you put the two-sided tape on your cement block walls,( if you happen to live in an apartment like I do) and the tape doesn't stick because the walls are too cold. This ends up with your tape all balled up , you get all mad and you quit the job.
I have been there folks. What I do is... I take a blow dryer and heat up the wall, where I want to put the tape, then the tape goes on really easy, because the walls are warmer. I also make sure, I tape the center post between the two panes of glass because in my case, the wind blows so hard, being I'm on the third floor, it will blow the plastic right off.
Another tip is to trim around the plastic after you have it taped on and then used two inch clear packing tape and go around again on the outside of your plastic onto your wall. This ensures that your plastic will stay on the window until you remove it in the spring. You can now use the blow dryer again to blow the wrinkles out of the plastic but I don't do this because it makes the plastic too tight and the wind will rip it from my windows.
I like having plastic on the Windows because it not only helps your comfort level, which is what I'm really interested in for winter, but I save $2-$300 a year on my electric heat bill.
Hope all you low income people with electric heat applied for your hydro rebate. The time is running out. You need to do it by December 31 and then it takes 8 weeks to process. You can apply online here. As of May 31st this rebate has increased by 50%. This is great news.
Now, if you've ever tried to take a photo threw a plastic window... you'll get a picture that looks like this. The flash from the camera just reflects off the plastic. The trick, I learn to do, is to put your camera right on the plastic that is bulging out from the window because the extra cold air coming in and then take the picture.
You will have a clear picture , like the one below and nobody will know that you shot through plastic. Hope these tips help you to save money through this winter and thanks for reading. Have a good day :)
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